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On Tap at the Brewery

Boot and Bonnet English Porter pint image for 6 and 40 Brewery

Boot and Bonnet English Porter

Boot and Bonnet English Porter pint image for 6 and 40 Brewery

Style: English Porter

Description: Lightly fruity aroma with restrained roasted malts. Coffee, chocolate, biscuit, cracker and a toasted bread malt flavors with moderate to full body.

Brewer: Josh Pierce

Seasonality: Winter

GRAINProximity Base Malt, Proximity Pale Ale, Proximity Crystal 120L, Proximity Brown, Proximity Chocolate, Proximity Black
HOPSNugget, East Kent Goldings
YEASTFermentis S-04
FG: 1.009
ABV: 4.50%
IBUs: 24

At the Brewery: 5oz, 10oz, 16oz
To Go: Crowler

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